Let's Talk

If you have any questions,  please feel free to contact me.

EMAD KHALIL Representative / Chief Instructor

Postal Addresss : P.O.BOX 710519 Amman 11171 Jordan.

Tel Dojo : 962 6 438 5577

Fax Dojo: 962 6 438 5588

Mobile: 962 77  607  0555

            962 78  517   2333

           962 79  795  0030 





Spirit of karate do
I promise to uphold the true  spirit of karate do 
And never to use the skills that  I am taught against 
Any one except of the defense of myself family or friends.
In instance of extreme danger of unprovoked attack or support in low and order.
Karate Do 
What is Karate Do 
Karate Do is an exercise through which the student masters all body movements such as bending, jumping and balancing by learning to move limbs and body backward and forward right and left, up and down freely and together the techniques of Karate Do are directed at the target accurately and with maximum power but a blow is always under control.
       Dojo kun 
1- Seek perfection of character

1- Put maximum effort into everything you do

1- Be  Sincere 

1-Respect others

1-Develop self-control
Our  Vision  in karate do
Training should be
1- Fast like fire 
1- Strong like mountain
1- Quiet like deep water 

                                                                Sensei Emad khalil      

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